In my Graphic Design class in Sophomore Year, one of our projects was to participate in the 2020 Biennial Poster Competition based in Mexico City. The prompt for the year was to create a poster advocating for the decrease in violence against women. Participants could choose their own visual subject matter for their respective posters; I decided to choose to stay true to the origins of the competition and try to attempt to advocate for the women in Mexico City.
My poster displays a woman spray painting a saying on the front door of the capital building in Mexico City. The saying is “¿No puedes escucharnos? ¿O no Estás escuchando?” This translates to “Can you not hear us? Or are you not listening?” This is directed at the male officials in Mexico who have countless cases of women begging to have their stories told of wrongdoings that have happened to them; many of the officials will not even listen, or if they do, they wont act.